A Divine Connection

The Light | Neal | Zittelle | Foreword | Intro | Vision



Little did I realize that my life, and my outlook on life and death, would be tremendously altered, eventually, by events that began in mid-December of 1973 when I was first called as a practicing physician of internal medicine, in the city of Dallas, Texas, to come and see a lady of whom I had never heard of before, at her home, only a few blocks from my office, by Mr. Neal Biship, whom I had also not know before.

It seems that in some round-about fashion he had come upon my name through a staff member at the hospital where his mother Zittelle Biship Brigance, had been hospitalized by a very dear physician friend of hers about two years before the date of my first being called to see her when, at that time, she had suffered a severe stroke which had rendered the right side of her body totally useless, and had greatly altered, of course, her ability to get about to such an extent that she was bedridden for two years at home. Fortunately, she had always been left-handed.

But the important thing is that two years before several doctors had given her up for dead so I am told.

And then, somehow miraculously, through intervention of a large number of people praying for her deliverance at what seemed to be at that time her death, she did make enough of a recovery to be finally able to go home and to live with her son, Neal Biship, and their dear friend, Mr. Jim Pickard for the following twenty-four months.

When I first saw this lady in her home, in her bed, with one side of her body obviously almost completely useless to her, there was the most angelic smile on her face, and those piercing eyes off hers looked right into mine.

I felt the strange sensation that this was no ordinary post-stroke patient at all: that this lady had something I had not seen before.

Somehow I felt that here is a personage who could read me like a book in an instant. I learned later that this was true.

I did what I could to try to support her life but she was failing rapidly, being unable to nourish herself adequately anymore.

Her heart and her cardiovascular system in general were faltering and it seemed as though the flame of her life was beginning to lower itself considerably.

I did the usual things one does to try to support her, giving intravenous infusions and oxygen at home under the watchful eyes of her son and her almost foster son, Jim, and Gerald, Floreine, Rovene, and other members of the family, and a very pleasant person named Ann, who was her near constant source of aid and assistance.

I prescribed a few medications which I hoped would ease her during what must be only a few more weeks of life, no matter what one might do; because it was becoming obvious, after several visits, that her life force was becoming weaker and that she seemed to be weary of it besides.

I soon learned that she must have been anxious to go back "home." I felt terribly inadequate, I remember, to do anything really worthwhile for this great lady.

I learned along the way, from her son and friends, that she had had tremendous spirituality and a great ability to infuse goodness and light and enlightenment into many people about her all of her life, and that she was a staunch member of the church.

The denomination, I think, is not important now and I will not mention it, for to me this is not the important thing.

She had a host of friends who wished her well and prayed for her from time to time when they realized that her condition was precarious.

On the morning of the 15th of January in 1974, I was suddenly called in an emergency by her son, Neal who had just been out of the house for a few moments to go to the nearby post office to mail some letters, while Ann watched over his mother.

He came back and found that his Mother was apparently expiring. I hurriedly went over to the house as soon as I could get there and found to my dismay that she had already left this world.

However, I was told immediately after pronouncing her dead, that Neal had seen her momentarily open her eyes wide, after she had seemed to be without pulse and the emergency squad from the nearby fire department had already given up administering oxygen, deciding that she had died.

Her son had stepped into the house only a short while before, and they has all decided that she had expired.

It was then that she suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at Neal with a piercing soul-communicating stare for possibly thirty seconds, which gave Neal the definite feeling that she was saying goodbye to him in this manner.

She then closed her eyes and that was all for the time being.

I am told it was on the 10th of March that Neal suddenly was seized with a compulsion to take up his pen and paper to begin writing a message, the words of which seemed to float before his eyes in his Mother's handwriting, almost as if he were reading it on a strip of moving film, almost like the traveling lights one sees on billboards or on the television screen when a weather message, or what not, is being superimposed upon the usual image of the screen.

He went into a sort of mesmerized trance, with eyes half-closed, during which time he very rapidly wrote, and as rapidly as he could, in order to keep up with the fast moving message.

Immediately thereafter he had very little, if any, idea of what was in the message after it was ended, and read to his amazement what was written upon the paper.

Soon after Neal had taken this message, he got me on the telephone and told me about it and I was well nigh incredulous.

One can only imagine how I, as a physician, felt, trained only in science and in factual material all of my life, and with no background to speak of in mysticism or anything of the sort, but only a passing acquaintance with some of the purported psychic phenomena, which are being reported more and more these days.

I think it should be understood that the apparent purpose of these messages, which have been transmitted to us though Neal Biship from his Mother, is to inform mankind of this great hope for each and every individual, for many great things may come if more people heed many of these lessons and gentle admonitions rendered in these messages.

The content of these messages are not to be interpreted in the light of prophecy, nor should they be considered as belonging strictly to the occult or an offspring of a belief in occultism on the part of the receiver, Neal Biship, the agent through which the messages are transmitted to paper.

It was made clear in many of the messages given by Mrs. Brigance that ultimately her messages must be published and spread abroad among the peoples of the earth because they are so hungry for hope and for understanding of what will befall them someday after their own individual cessation of life on this earth as they may pay great lip service to belief in the hereafter, whether in church or not in church, retain a certain amount of reservations in many of their minds about what will happen to them in the void beyond.

Undoubtedly many people believe that there is probably nothing whatsoever once the body has disintegrated; in fact, long before the body disintegrates, even the moment that death comes upon the body, that undoubtedly the mind dies with it.

It is quite natural to believe so in this age if materialism.

A knowledge of the purpose and meaning of life on this earth, as we know it, is a necessity for all people in order to have peace of mind.

How many times have each of us said to ourselves and to others, "Who are we and why are we here, and what is our purpose here?"

At this point I should say a few words about Neal Biship, who took these messages, in order to explain the kind of man he seems to me to be and what I have observed about his demeanor and his method of taking the messages in an objective manner.

I soon found, after meeting Neal Biship that he is a very talented, multi-talented indeed, individual, who is not only a very literate man but a very religious type individual, who has been trained along religious paths all of his life, and this, of course, makes sense, because those of us who are not prepared cannot do the job very well.

This man is exceedingly well-prepared to do the job which he has been performing so well.

He has been an author of several works and he helped greatly in raising funds for several institutions in the Southwest in the past, and he is an artist, in oils, of great accomplishment and dexterity, and has been recognized by many people as an excellent artist.

Not only this, but he is a humble individual even though he has no reason to be humble because of his talents, but he is nevertheless.

And at the beginning of the messages, for some reason I was taken into his confidence, and into that of Jim Pickard, about the messages.

And I am sure that they were wondering how I would receive this news, I decided, after both observation of the participants and digestion of the material, that these messages are, as nearly as I can determine objectively, real and apparently inspired from beyond the veil, for I have actually observed, definitely on two occasions, looking in through the door of the study where Neal was taking these messages, and I was astounded, I remember the first time, to find him lying across his bed with his eyes closed and his head down beside a large, legal pad of yellow paper using a pen and writing furiously without his reading glasses and without looking at the paper, and somehow staying, more or less, within the lines and with almost no pause whatsoever, writing rapidly and with no strikeovers, no rephrasing or any other of the usual maneuvers anyone ordinarily would be expected to make in the writing of a message of any type which is to be taken seriously.

I have never heard of anyone who has been able to write so furiously and so fast that even misspellings seldom occur, and without having to stop, strikeover, re-do and revise.

Within this book are several messages from entitles or "essences" other than Neal's mother.

Upon being shown these messages, I found a striking difference in the form of the handwriting and the style of expression from each of these entities as conducted or transmitted through Neal's mind and hand.

These souls or "essences" have identified themselves in the writings as Mark Twain, a late Methodist bishop, and several of Neal's deceased relatives.

After the messages first began to come, Neal was seriously concerned about his own grasp of reality, and whether or not these could really be communications from the deceased.

There is no way that this can be proven one way or the other at this time.

However, my own suggestion, as an interested observer of Neal's phenomenon, is simple that each reader must let the book speak for itself, and make up his own mind to believe its contents.

Neal is quite sane so far as I am concerned as a physician.

The messages soon began to take on the aspect of instruction after the first ones which were mainly in the form of reassurances that Mrs. Brigance was conscious on another plane of existence and had an easy transition from her former life in this world, and that she was no longer ill or impeded by any infirmity.

She also let it be known that from her plane of existence many things are possible of which we could never experience here on earth.

This book will gradually and gently lead the reader to many ideas and concepts which are new to most or all of us.

R. W.

The Light | Neal | Zittelle | Foreword | Intro | Vision

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